Setting up PlanMill integration

Monday, October 11, 2021

Got both Loyalistic and PlanMill and want to transfer contacts between them? You can set up integration between the systems to do just that.

Getting API tokens

To set up the necessary client credentials in PlanMill, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your PlanMill instance,**YourInstance**/.
  2. Go to**YourInstance**/api/registrations.jsp.
  3. You can create new credentials by following the instructions on the page. After creating the credentials, copy Client ID and Client Secret as we will be using them later.

Setting up PlanMill integration in Loyalistic

When you have both Client ID and Client Secret, you can continue to set up the integration in Loyalistic. Log in to Loyalistic at (if not done already).

  1. In the upper right corner, click on the gear icon and select Settings.
  2. On the Settings page, select Integrations.
  3. On the Integrations page, click on the Edit Settings link under PlanMill logo.
  4. In the PlanMill Settings window, set up your integration details:
    • Enabled: whether or not the PlanMill integration is enabled.
    • Instance name: the name of your instance, as it is written in your instance URL. This is used to connect to your instance.
    • Client ID: your PlanMill client ID (the one you created earlier).
    • Client secret: your PlanMill client secret (the one you created earlier).
    • Action title: the text shown on the action in PlanMill. You can add the contact's company name to the deal title by adding text "{company}" to it.

After you have set up the details, press Save changes to enable your PlanMill integration. The PlanMill logo on the Integrations page will now show a green check mark on it indicating that the integration has been enabled.

Sending contacts to PlanMill

After enabling PlanMill integration, PlanMill-related functions will become available on the contact pages. For example sending several contacts at once to PlanMill can be done on the contacts page by first selecting the contacts to be sent by clicking on checkboxes next to contacts. A toolbar will appear on top of the list. From there, you can select Send to PlanMill to send the selected contacts.

You can also send individual contacts to PlanMill by clicking on the contact name. On the contact page, select Send to PlanMill.

When a contact is sent to PlanMill, the following steps are taken in the background:

  1. First, Loyalistic checks if the contact's company ("account" in PlanMill) already exists in your PlanMill, searching by the company name. If the company is not found yet, a new company is created.
  2. Next Loyalistic checks if the contact already exists in your PlanMill, searching by the email address. If the contact is not found, a new contact is created and attached to the company.
  3. A new action is added, with the contact attached to it.

Getting contacts from PlanMill

You can import contacts from PlanMill to Loyalistic. Importing is done through lists:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on the gear icon and select Lists.
  2. On the Lists page, select a list by clicking on its' name.
  3. On the list page, click on the Import button and select From PlanMill.
  4. Select a PlanMill Campaign to be used when selecting contacts in PlanMill for importing. Campaigns are set in PlanMill.
  5. Select the Status for imported contacts. All contacts imported from PlanMill will be set this status.
  6. Click Import to start the import process. When the import is done, the browser will be redirected to the list page.

Note: Only contacts with an email address can be imported. If there are contacts without an email address, they will be ignored by the import process.

Export email recipients to a list

Monday, October 11, 2021

In this article we go through how to create a list from email contacts, who have for example read the email or have clicked a link on it.

Loyalistic provides information on your email recipients: who received the email, who read it, who clicked links on it, which contacts bounced etc. You can create new lists from these contacts.

  1. From the top menu, click on the Emails.
  2. Click on the name of the sent email you wish view.
  3. From the Statistics table, click on the tab you wish to view (for example Opened).
  4. To create a list from the contacts, click on the Export contacts to a list button under the contacts.
  5. In the opening window, give a name to your list. The system suggests a name for you.
  6. Finally, click Save to create the new list and add the contacts to it. Note that the operation might take a while, depending on the number of contacts.


Include/exclude contacts in a list using other lists

Monday, October 11, 2021

This article explains how you can add or remove contacts to/from a list, using other lists as a way to filtering contacts.

Let's say you have several lists for different purposes: one for people from France, one for people located in Germany and so on. You would like to, for example, create a list with both German and French contacts. Or, you would like to for example remove all the French contacts from the newsletter recipient list. How do you do that?

The Include/exclude contacts functionality on the list page is the right tool for this task. For demonstration purposes, let's have three (3) different lists:

  • Marketing list, France
  • Marketing list, Germany
  • Newsletter recipients

Including contacts in a list

In this example, we would like to create a newsletter recipient list with all the contacts from Germany and France. It can be done like this:

  1. Select Settings (the gear icon) / Lists from the upper-right corner.
  2. Open the target list by clicking on it (Newsletter recipients in this example).
  3. Click on the Include/exclude contacts button.
  4. In the Include/exclude contacts window, set the Operation to Include contacts from other list(s).
  5. Check the source lists. In this example, we select both Marketing list, France and Marketing list, Germany.
  6. Click Save. The contacts from the source lists will be added to the target list.

Excluding contacts from a list

Understanding the Loyalistic GDPR Features

Monday, October 11, 2021

Loyalistic has features to help our clients to better meet the requirements set by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Here is an overview on the GDPR-related functionality.

The basis for the processing

The GDPR requires that each contact should have a lawful basis for the processing of the contact's personal information. Usually the basis is either a given consent or some legitimate interest pursued by the company, such as direct marketing.

Here's an overview of the bases for the processing available in Loyalistic.

No basis has been provided. Contacts with no basis for the processing should be removed from the system.
The contact has given consent for the processing and possibly also marketing.
Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract.
Legal obligation
Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which you (the company) is subject.
Vital interest
Processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the contact.
Public interest
Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
Legitimate interest
Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by you or by a third party.

Please take care when assigning the basis for the processing to a contact, as it is your responsibility to make sure that you have a lawful reason for the processing of the contact's personal information. You can change the basis by editing the contact's information, under Additional settings.


Given consent is the primary basis for storing and handling a contact's information in Loyalistic. You can ask for consent for example on Honeypot forms.

Consent requests

To ask for a contact to give consent, you first need to create one or more consent requests. This can be done at Settings / Compliance Settings / Consent Requests. To add a new consent request, just click on the Add a new consent request button.
Consent requests view

Give the consent request a name (shown only in listing on Loyalistic Suite), select a language, give the consent checkbox text (shown next to the consent checkbox on a Honeypot form) as well as the full consent text. The consent text should be easily understandable and give a clear picture to the contact what kind of consent they are giving.
Consent request settings

Finally, select what kind of consents are given: just data processing or also marketing. Then click on the Save changes button to save the consent request.

Asking for consent

You can add consent checkboxes to a Honeypot form by editing the Honeypot's settings. Here, you can toggle whether you require a consent to proceed (red exclamation point), or just request it (green check mark).
Honeypot consent requests

When a contact fills out the Honeypot form, the given consents are stored in the database. Also, if no other basis for the processing has been given earlier to the contact, then the basis is set to Consent.

How all this affects sending emails?

When you are sending out an email to a contact list or several lists, this is roughly what happens.

  1. Contacts who have an email sending block in effect (a bouncing address) are removed.
  2. Contacts who are on the exclusion lists are removed.
  3. Contacts who have no basis for the processing are removed.
  4. Contacts who have unsubscribed are removed.
  5. If your email contains marketing
    • Contacts who have a marketing ban in effect are removed.
    • Contacts with the processing basis of consent AND which have not given consent for marketing are removed.
  6. The email is sent to the remaining contacts.

Transparency page

Under the GDPR, a contact has the right to access the personal data collected and stored to a system. In addition, the contact has the right to rectify and delete the personal data as well as withdraw consents or otherwise restrict the processing of their personal information.

Transparency page settings

Loyalistic has a transparency page, which offers a contact a complete view of data collected and stored. To enable the transparency page and its functionality, go to Settings / Compliance Settings / Transparency Page. By clicking on the Edit Transparency Page Settings button, you can set the transparency page functionality on and off, as well as prevent a contact from editing and/or deleting their information.

Should you wish to get a notification by email every time a contact edits and deletes their information, add your email address to the Notification email address box. Whenever a contact updates their information, you will get an email with the old and new contact information.Transparency page settings

Contact's view

A contact can request access to view, edit and delete their information by entering their email address on the transparency page (https://<yourdomain> They will be sent an email with a unique link to access their information. The link is valid for 24 hours.
Transparency page

If no data about the person is stored, no link is provided in the email. Instead, the email will inform the recipient that no information related to the email address could not be found.

On the transparency page a contact can see their contact information, as well as given (and possibly withdrawn) consents. Depending on the transparency page settings, they can then correct their contact information or even delete all the personal data stored. The contact can also withdraw any given consents.
Viewing personal information

The transparency page even gives tools to manage tracking. The contact can forbid Loyalistic tracking completely by clicking the Do not track me on this device link. This is done by placing a special cookie to their browser.

Embed honeypot form to your website

Monday, October 11, 2021

Honeypot offers ready-made form pages, which are good enough for most cases. But sometimes you need to embed a form directly to your website. To do just that, Loyalistic supports two ways: either get an HTML form with the necessary scripts, or if you need more flexibility, use our script library to send contact details from any form to Loyalistic.

Embedding an HTML form

The easiest way to collect contact information directly from your website is to use our HTML form code. For example, let's imagine you wish to add a form for your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. To get the form code, do the following:

  1. In Loyalistic, create a Honeypot with the fields and consents you wish to collect.
  2. On the honeypot's front page, select Embed form on the right-side menu.
  3. Copy the HTML code from the window. The code contains the fields you selected in step 1.
  4. In your website content system (e.g. WordPress), locate the page you want to embed the form to.
  5. Paste the form HTML code to the page. Make sure you add the HTML code in source view of your website editor.
  6. Now you can rearrange the form fields, as needed. Remember to save the changes.

Using the script

Compared to the previous HTML form method, the script is more advanced and requires some knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. On the plus side, the embed script is more flexible and allows you to attach it to virtually any HTML form.

  1. In Loyalistic, create a Honeypot with the fields and consents you wish to collect.
  2. On the honeypot's front page, select Embed script on the right-side menu.
  3. Copy the example JavaScript code from the window. The code contains the fields you selected in step 1.
  4. In your favorite text editor, modify the example code to suit your needs. In particular:
    • Make sure that you set the correct values to the contact object.
    • Call the
      function when submitting the form with the correct parameters, i.e. Honeypot ID and the contact object.
    • Handle the error messages if any, i.e. missing field values.
  5. In your website content system (e.g. WordPress), locate the page you want to embed the script to.
  6. Paste the JavaScript code to the page. Make sure you add the code in source view of your website editor.
  7. Remember to save the changes and check that your code works.
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